
Discover the DIFFERENCE

Of Full-Spectrum Extract

Unlike typical CBD products, whose only active ingredient is cannabidiol, our creams and infusions use “full-spectrum” extract, which means they contain the full range of natural active compounds.

Learn more below, or go right to our store!

“I’ve suffered with anxiety since I was a little girl. At times, I would have panic attacks and couldn’t breathe. CBD not only helped calm my mind but it also helped relax my body. It’s safe and has great benefits.”-Niayja

“I’ve suffered with anxiety since I was a little girl. At times, I would have panic attacks and couldn’t breathe. CBD not only helped calm my mind but it also helped relax my body. It’s safe and has great benefits.”


“After two hip replacements, I suffer chronic hip and lower back pain. The creams help control the pain and inflammation that makes it difficult for me to move around and enjoy life.”-Richard

“After two hip replacements, I suffer chronic hip and lower back pain. The creams help control the pain and inflammation that makes it difficult for me to move around and enjoy life.”


“Since I was very young I struggled with feeling like I was waiting like something bad was gonna happen. Later in life I found out that’s called anxiety. CBD helps me deal with my anxiety naturally without feeling high.”-Caroline

“Since I was very young I struggled with feeling like I was waiting like something bad was gonna happen. Later in life I found out that’s called anxiety. CBD helps me deal with my anxiety naturally without feeling high.”


“My pain is due to nerve damage. If I go too long without my medication, I will start to withdraw (opiates) because I have been on it for years. Those cookies put me to sleep like I had eaten a handful of Xanax. It was amazing.”-Randall

“My pain is due to nerve damage. If I go too long without my medication, I will start to withdraw (opiates) because I have been on it for years. Those cookies put me to sleep like I had eaten a handful of Xanax. It was amazing.”


“Even after a few days I've noticed incredible differences. I suffer severe eczema, and normal day-to-day lotions and steroid creams only soothe the flareups. Using the sample, a small bit does 10x more than the ‘normal’ brands.”-Taylor

“Even after a few days I've noticed incredible differences. I suffer severe eczema, and normal day-to-day lotions and steroid creams only soothe the flareups. Using the sample, a small bit does 10x more than the ‘normal’ brands.”



 What is Full Spectrum Oil?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a single compound that occurs naturally in the hemp plant. It has become popular because of its documented health benefits, but CBD is only one of many potentially beneficial compounds called cannabinoids and terpenes.

“Full-spectrum extract” (FSE) includes the CBD molecule but also preserves these additional natural compounds, resulting in a higher quality product that both lasts longer and has a broader range of health benefits.

Why is Full SPectrum better?

Because it was one of the first compounds to be isolated and studied, cannabidiol is the common product available today. However, growing scientific evidence suggests that cannabinoids and terpenes, including CBD, work together to produce greater benefits than can be achieved by any individually.

Although there are some fantastic isolate products on the market, the future of natural wellness is full-spectrum hemp oil.


our mission

helping you reach a better quality of life through wellness education and natural products that enhance your lifestyle.



We’re sure you’ll love our product

But don’t take our word for it. The proof is in the results.

Try it for yourself and see.