
Quick-Start Guide to Cooking with Hemp Oil

It’s easier than you think!

There are just three things to keep in mind when cooking with hemp oil:

1) Infuse First

Did you know that hemp oil is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes? But for tasty and effective results, hemp oil shouldn’t be added on its own as a separate ingredient. You will need to thoroughly mix it into a fat- or oil-based ingredient such as butter or coconut oil.

Alcoholic spirits like vodka or rum may work in certain recipes, but it’s best to avoid beverages with lower alcohol content like wine and beer, which won’t be able to dissolve the hemp oil effectively.

Pay attention to this step in any hemp oil or CBD recipe as it is crucial to the final result.

2) Temperature matters

Hemp oil is sensitive to temperature. Warming can increase its effectiveness, but higher temperatures can destroy some active components, which also begin to evaporate at 320 to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Do not place your hemp oil over direct heat. This can ruin a class of compounds called terpenes that work in conjunction with cannabinoids to increase their overall effectiveness. Heating too high can also release a slight bitter flavor.

A good hemp oil recipe will avoid this problem, so to start you shouldn’t have to worry about it, but it’s best to be aware of it as you start out on your own!

3) Start small

When you first start cooking with hemp oil, it’s very easy to add too much to a recipe, which can create a bad taste. Less is more, at least at the beginning. Consider starting with smaller batches. Cut the recipe in half, for example. If the result is positive, you can attempt a larger batch and/or higher dose.

That’s it!

If you’re ready to give it a try, you can start with something simple: everyone’s favorite, chocolate chip cookies!

You can find more recipes below. But first, here are a couple more things to keep in mind as you explore the world of hemp oil nutrition.



Store your oil properly

When you’re not using your hemp oil, make sure you keep it in a cool, dark place. Cannabinoids are naturally sensitive to heat and light. The longer they are exposed to sunlight, the more their potency and quality can degrade. Degraded oil is not only less effective, it may impart a bitter, unpleasant flavor to your recipes.

Stick with refined oils

Filtered, ultrasonic extracted, or other kinds of refined oils tend to work the best in most cases. Less refined oils may leave an unpleasant aftertaste, especially if you are working with more herb-heavy recipes.

Stir as much as possible

From guacamole to cookies to soups, make sure you stir in the oil as much as possible, more than you might think is sufficient at first. This ensures the hemp oil is evenly distributed throughout the batch and doesn’t clump together, resulting in inconsistent flavor and uneven effects.

Also, we always recommend you mix the oil into your ingredients rather than drizzling over the top. You’ll still get the benefits, but it won’t taste as good.

Eat what makes you happy

Do you have some hemp oil cooking tips? Let us know in the comments below each recipe, or contact us using the form at the bottom of the page. We’d love to hear from you.


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